Legacy Kids - Disclaimer

Before registering your child, please read our disclaimer. You will be required to acknowledge and agree to it before submitting your child's registration.

Registration Disclaimer:

By registering my child(ren) for Legacy Kids (or previously for Summer Bible Club/VBS), I understand and agree to the following:

  1. Parental Consent:
  2. I give permission for my child(ren) to participate in all activities under the supervision of the church staff and volunteers.
  3. I agree to be contacted by the church staff or volunteers regarding any issues or updates related to my child(ren).
  4. Medical Information and Emergency Treatment:
  5. I acknowledge that I have provided accurate and complete health information for my child(ren) in the registration form.
  6. In the event of an emergency, I authorize the church staff or volunteers to seek medical treatment for my child(ren) if I cannot be immediately reached. I understand that I will be responsible for any medical expenses incurred.
  7. If my child requires trained parental or worker supervision due to a medical condition or need, I will notify the church and make arrangements to be present.
  8. Liability Waiver:
  9. I hereby release and hold harmless Legacy Baptist Church, its staff, deacons, volunteers, and affiliates from any and all liability, claims, demands, or causes of action that may arise out of my child's participation in VBS activities.
  10. I agree that Legacy Baptist Church is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged personal items.
  11. Photo and Video Release:
  12. I understand that photos and videos may be taken for promotional and commemorative purposes. By enrolling my child(ren), I consent to the use of their image by Legacy Baptist Church in promotional materials, including the church website and social media platforms.
  13. If you prefer not to have your child’s image used, please contact us.
  14. Behavioral Expectations:
  15. I understand that Legacy Baptist Church strives to provide a safe and welcoming environment. I agree to support the church staff and volunteers in encouraging my child(ren) to follow the rules and guidelines set forth.
  16. We will do our best to manage children's behavior, understanding that all children are at different levels and in a new environment. However, if a child's behavior is hindering the purpose of the scheduled activity for themselves or others, we reserve the right to have the child not participate in certain activities or withhold prizes/treats as a means to guide them towards appropriate behavior. We will always strive to re-engage them in the current activity to ensure they do not miss out entirely.
  17. If we cannot guide them back to appropriate behavior and re-engage them in the program, we reserve the right to ask parents to pick up their child and/or request that the child not return if they cannot abide by the rules or if their behaviour is preventing other children from participating effectively.

By submitting this registration form, I acknowledge that I have read and understood this disclaimer and agree to its terms.

If you have any questions concerning the Registration Disclaimer, or need clarification, please contact us.